January 31, 2008

Not a lucky number

The Seventh line is on it's way. I saw it blinking on the screen and made oh-so-many pictures of it, but it's a little shy right now. Anyway it'll come to stay. It doesn't mess with the view since it's just a pixel away to the right of the third line I had.

Have you called apple yet? What are you wating for!

You can as well take a chance through apple's feedback form or give it a try on any of the open discussions at ADB.

I'd like to hear from you on the comments!

January 24, 2008

Contacting Apple for Support and Service

I phoned today the Spanish technical support at (34) 902 151 992. My apple reseller told me it was my only way to go since i'm out of warranty. Basically after trying to sell me some Apple Care phone assistances for around 49€ valid for 30 days or something, I got the lady to write an "intern note" saying iMacs (intel and G5) serial numbers W860 - U2N all over the internet had this same problem. Like phone service would do anything!!

So please, find out your Apple - Technical Support Number on the list and give Apple a call stating your problem. And make sure they write a note about it!

January 20, 2008

What's in a video?

I haven't had much time to post lately as i'm studying for exams, but i've got many more ideas for new clips i'll be publishing over the weeks... I'm sure lines will be here when my exams are over.

So what are videos for?
Videos give me the possibility to repeat "my iMac has six lines" with a creative touch. The message is the same as if I wrote it everyday on the blog, the intention is the same aswell, but I get in touch with my creative side. How fun would it be to complain in such a boring repetitive written way? Besides youTube gives traffic to the site.

It's been 8 days since the sixth line and my instinct tells me the 7th will come any time soon.

Do you want to show your iMac lines? Send me the link to your pictures or videos at imaclines [at] gmail [dot] com or send the photos if you prefeer.

January 15, 2008

January 12, 2008

iMac Feedback

Along with plenty of links i'll be posting in my spare time, i just read about this section on apple's website. One user wrote on Discussions Board that ADB is answered by other users, never apple. The way to make apple aware is to give them feedback through the Apple - iMac - Feedback form.

Wish to see you all there ;)

Up to date: six

Just five days since the last line I get a new gift. Now it's almost perfect symmetry. A group of two. two in the middle, and another group. That is "IEEI" in morse code. How fun.

With Macworld SF in 4 days, this is just the wrong moment for anything else apple. These and the next few weeks will be centered on the new releases.

Not the best moment to be a whiner.

January 10, 2008

Italian links and a new Topic on ADB

I cannot but smile every time a new post appears on Apple's board with this little tag on top of it.

"Helpful" answers available: 2 . "Solved" answers available: 1

Anyways, on my daily visit to our favourite boards i found and added to the column on the right, the soon to be blocked imac 17" intel 2006 vertical lines on screen.

"Vertical lines on display - early 2006 17'' W860" was directly erased. It just gave me time enough to copy the link and within a few minutes it started displaying a cute error.

Here are some italian links discussing the problems from a user who answered on newly posted "imac 17" intel 2006..."

From ItaliaMac, Righe sul monitor: la Apple sa, ma fa finta di niente. Lines on the monitor, apple knows but as if nothing.

MacityNet has Righe di pixel sul monitor: Apple cosa fa? Line of pixels on the monitor: Apple, what's happening?

Finally, from Hardware UpgradeRighe di pixel sul monitor: Apple non fa niente!!! Rows of pixels on the monitor: Apple is not doing anything!

If anyone knows any new links i'll gladly post them.

January 9, 2008

January 5, 2008


Apple may have locked the last two discussions on their official board without any answer given, but it's only a matter of time until a new affected iMac user shows to ask. Today Vertical lines on display - early 2006 17" W860 appeared on their discussions.

The online petition is growing aswell. It has to date 289 signatures wishing for a response.

I hope this blog encourages iMac users with this problem to sign the petition and be participant in Apple's discussions board - (Your Intel-based iMac Display).

January 4, 2008

My history and some numbers

So i've been posting some stuff lately linking to many different sites, but never quite talked about this problem.

I'm owner of an iMac, early 2006 model 17'' etc, whose serial number happens to be W860 U2N. Mine is a 1 year 9 months old machine i'm still paying for which happens to have developed quite some disgusting vertical permanent lines on the LCD.

I had my first line on October 26th, that is 1 year 6 months since i bought it, or simply six months since i was uncovered by warranty. Of all possible places it appeared just 5mm to the right of the iSight, that's practically in the middle of the screen.

Second line popped on December 5th, 40 days since the first one. This one divided my right side of the screen in to halves.

On December 21st my mac was in the mood for a new line. 16 days to draw a new one in between the first two.

My last one -but sadly not least one- is dated December 26th. This time it came to mess on my right side of the mac; close to the center but it could have annoyed somewhat less if it showed in between some other lines.

All lines are visible under dark colors and don't show at all when color is white (but they are there even if you can't see them).

So when I was blessed with this lines, i was quoted as so many other people around the links in this page, charges at around 700€. Simply, WOW.

Just how much is that? 700€ is 58% of a new iMac these days.

What's even interesting is this this analisys by iSuppli also quoted on AppleInsider which reveals

Apple Computer Inc.'s first desktop PC to be based on an Intel Corp.-manufactured microprocessor carries a Bill of Materials (BOM) cost of $873, according to preliminary data from iSuppli Corp.'s Teardown Analysis Service.

If this speculative Bill of materials were to be true, a 700€ (not messing with dollar-euro currency here) repair would mean an 80% of an original iMac.

But if this is not enough fun for the reader, how about knowing Aluminium iMacs, the current model, has aswell plenty of complaints over Apple Discussions Board and different places such as Macrumors forums?

Fixing my mac would cost let's say 700€.
Apple's mini-DVI to VGA adaptor costs 19€.
Attaching an external monitor would cost at around 200€.

What about that?

Update: 5th line January 6th... 11 days since the last one. Can't say I didn't expect it.

January 3, 2008

Non believers

Apple discussions rather monologue

Wow, what a great way to solve problems. When one topic locked was not enough, i wake up today to find the second locked too. Such a kind way to tell iMac sufferers to stop insisting.

January 2, 2008

I've seen it all

Resources in spanish

As it is my native languaje, i did some research. There are various links to offer.

This user asks related to an iMac G5.
It's also been asked here.
There's this blogger version on his screen issue.
Appleblog.es cites Macnn's original story. So does Canal Apple.
There's this sale of an iMac G5 from where i took the picture for this post.