December 20, 2010

2010 - Happy holidays!

It's wonderful to hear all your success stories on the comments! I'm sorry I don't usually answer to your questions left on the comments. The answer is this blog itself.

The "iMac early 2006" is almost 5 years old now and it seems it's easier now to have it fixed than it was before. That's my only message to those still with lines, Call Apple Now!! And happy holidays to you all!

April 30, 2010

What do you see? I see iPhone 4G

So i guess everybody heard the story about the lost iPhone prototype, right?

Well, i'm reading today on the comments how some use their early 2006 iMacs JUST for playing internet radio and music.

Don't you think what you paid is worth more? Well, lucky you as well as those, there are also happy iMac owners who got their computers fixed FOR FREE. They phoned Apple. I phoned Apple back in the day. Today it's still my main computer.

4 years since they were unveiled. 3 years since the first buyers lost their warranty. Apple still fixes these things and you rather use it for music?

Phone Apple now if you want it fixed for free!! It's your right to have a Mac worth it's price :)

Good luck

April 5, 2010

What do you see? i see Lockerz redemptions

How has it been around here? I hope u had your macs fixed. Every now and then there's a comment talking about sucess. I'm really glad for it and hope that if there's still someone with an iMac w860 with trouble to get it fixed, sooner than later gets a proper fix as is deserved.

Oh by the way!
Anyone interested in LOCKERZ invitations? i've got many to give... contact me

Till next time!