August 26, 2008

32nd lin·e

I'm back again, but no big news for me.. Lines pop every two days.

(Looks like a user got to this page by searching "how to erase blue line on right side of screen". Isn't it cute/sad?)

Come, wall·e, clean this mess!

Any success, anyone?


Anonymous said...

You have no idea how happy I am I found out about this. The lines have been bothering me for TWO YEARS and I thought i was the only one

Anonymous said...

32 lines is pretty damn impressive.

BTW Macnn covered our plight a few days ago. Pretty good article, be sure to add to the comments:

Rosie Jane said...

I got my first a few days ago but I now live in constant fear of more popping up.

next said...

Rosie, i suggest you call Apple. There's nothing to lose. I'm afraid lines will continue to appear. Is your mac in the W860 range? Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good advice - also please remember to sign the petition Rosie

Cassie said...

Apple just fixed ours at no charge... a year after the warranty was over, and we don't have apple care. We had 9 lines... after a 2 hour call to Apple bouncing around from person to person. We were given a "customer satisfaction number" and directed to the Apple store. An Apple "Genius"took it an and after three days they replaced the power supply and the LCD screen. We turned it on as soon as we got home and it was perfect...screen was new and shiny with no lines. But after two days a line showed up dad in the center. So it went back to the Apple store a second time (still no charge) they replaced the LCD again, and the logic board. We have had it back for two weeks now and it's like brand new.

Anonymous said...

Not only have the vertical line continued their parade across my iMac 17" Intel dual core LCD screen, having made it now to almost 3/4 of the right side of my monitor, but last month my 'Super Drive' stopped working too. Just signed the petition.

Anonymous said...

Can you check what make of superdrive it was please new wave?

Most problems seem to come with the Matshita ones I believe.

Click on "about this mac" from the Apple menu to find out what make your superdive is.

emy said...

My first line was Aug. 27, only a half inch from the right side. I ignored it.
Now i just got another one a full 6 inches from the right.
This also is on an iMac 17, less than 2 years old.

Anonymous said...

I had 13 lines as of yesterday, now I have about an inch and a half band of white with shimmering lines on the edges. My serial # is different from what I've seen here: QP606... Aside from complaining I can get an adapter (mini dvi to dvi) from Apple but I don't see the cable necessary (male male) necessary to connect to another monitor. Maybe this is just a standard cable to pick up anywhere? Oh wait I just read the comment from Sept 2 Cassie - maybe I'll try that.... Wouldn't that be nice.

Cassie said...

Just an update, it's been fixed for over a month and it's still running like new. No more lines, you all need to call Apple and work with them. The Apple store folks had never seen anything like this, but someone at Apple is on it now.

Anonymous said...

My iMac with Serial W860****U2N was just repaired (Logicboard changed and display, too) but the iSight isn't working anymore and the Superdrive make some strange noise. For some reason if you click on about this mac and then on more informations at Hardware there isn't a Serial Number but "SystemSerialNumb"... Strange.

good luck with your iMacs

Anonymous said...

If your Superdrive is faulty the consenus seems to be to ask for Pioneer one insead of Matshita as these are supposed to be more reliable.

I had my screen replaced - can anyone explain whether they should have replaced the logic board as well?

What is a logic board anyway?

Unknown said...

In my case this problem goes away if I start in Safe mode (hold down the shift key while starting up.) This seems to indicate something other than just a screen issue, likely a combination of logic board/video card and software corruption.

Anonymous said...

Apple fixed mine a month ago at no charge apparently by replacing the panel. A month later today, I have a line appearing on the screen again.

Hazzzzz.... I will be bring down to the repair center again.

New Wave said...

My vertical lines have almost covered the entire screen now. And regarding my other issue, I just checked the dead "Super Drive" is a Matshita DVD-R UJ-846 with firmware revision FB2U.

Anonymous said...

My G5 isight 17", W8545****** had 2-3 vertical lines with one that appears and disappears randomly, and about five lines that were very faint but only flickered instead of a solid line. I made an appointment online so they can check it out. After looking it over and saying there was nothing they could really do about it, I mentioned that there was a recall of the previous generation, and since mine exhibited the same problems, why won't mine be included in the recall? They took the iMac to the back for further inspection, and then came back saying they would be able to replace it free of charge. So, keep asking! Maybe you'll get it fixed, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to encouraging notes on the blog I called Apple. 2nd call resulted in 4 day repair at a nearby Mac store at no cost to me. Thanks a lot.

New Wave said...

Well my screen is now almost completely covered in vertical lines so my motivation to spend hours on a call to Apple is very real as I can not use the LCD monitor to view any thing that has a dark background. And yes, my 'Mighty Mouse' won't scroll down plus the 'Matshita Super Drive' stopped working 7 months ago.

next said...

"And yes, my 'Mighty Mouse' won't scroll down"

Hi New Wave. Whenever this happens what i do is cut a thin stripe of cellophane like any plastic bag from the supermarket. cut it with point ends like this but stretched: ().

Then i press the scroll ball and introduce a tip of the cellophane. Start rolling until your tip appears on the other side passing under the ball. Proceed as if dental floss! Every now and then i take the cello away and rub the scroll ball with kitchen paper and a little alcohol with the mighty facing down. If you try it, insist on this!! add preassure as if you hated that damn dirty ball!! Good luck ;)

as for the Matshita...

Anonymous said...

just yesterday. my imac has been out of warranty for over two years. i made an appointment at the apple store near me and told them that i was a bit frustrated that i had spoken to apple care some time ago and they said nothing could be done and now come findout that there is a customer satisfaction code out for the issue. they said it would be a week for the repair. no cost. with smile. including my own.

New Wave said...

Glad to know that there is an Apple customer care code for our multi-line issue... do you know what this code is and can I use it with my Apple store, located in San Diego, CA?

Unknown said...

I have lines across the whole screen.

New Wave said...

Yea, lines completely cover my screen and so now I just use the iMac for playing Internet radio and music...